HR-Pano-Eichen-Herbst HR-Von--Obertagstein Drohnenueberblick2 Drohnenueberblick3 Drohnenueberblick HR-vonThusis HR-Ueberblick2 HR-Ueberblick

Overview in English

There is much to discover on the „Munt Son Gion“. (Mount of St. John)

The site is neither a fortress nor a castle of the nobility - so what is it?
Come explore and put together the pieces of history for yourself.
The large rock plateau high above the Hinterrhein-River is one of the oldest settlement sites in Switzerland - an exceptional cultural asset in Graubünden with 4000 years of history.
Due to its proximity to the Splügenpass, HOHEN RÄTIEN was an important site on the transalpine route. As the main connection between North and South Europe, many people and goods travelled through this region and stopped here.
Traces of settlements from the Bronze and Iron Ages (2500-800 BC) were found here, remains of a Roman station, late antique sacred buildings with a baptistery and a baptismal font from the 4th or 5th century.

You will also find the church of St. Johann & Viktor, which was once the centre of the large parish of Domleschg and Heinzenberg valleys.
The inner castle-like complex is thought to be a „Sust“ (trading outpost)with a muleteer‘s hostel and a sheltered warehouse area.

Discover for yourself what this historical gem has to offer.
Enjoy the wonderful views of Domleschg, Heinzenberg valleys and the Viamala Gorge.
We invite you to linger and let your mind be carried away into times long past by reflecting beside the fountain or under the oak trees.

Download a short guide here.